Who knows what I am talking about?
That Friday Night when you get home from work, sit on the couch and think to yourself "hey, I have worked hard this whole week. I deserve to enjoy an amazing glass of Cold Moscato, or an ICE COLD Bud Light...
Then you end up drinking WAY more than you meant to (or maybe a little).
Then you wake up the next morning not feeling too hot. (maybe a LOT hungover lol)
Then you wake up in a rare mood, and craving EVERYTHING greasy!
You want that delicious HOT DOG pizza you always see on TV.
You want that AMAZE-BALLS bowl of Ramen that you just made you kids.
You want that, oh so tasty, FUNNEL CAKE from the fair that your at with your family.
You want that SCRUMPTIOUS, fancy cupcake sitting in the window at your favorite coffee shop near you house.
SO MANY people think it is unbearable to sit there and stare or just dream. You MUST have that delicious vision. You can smell it, taste it in your mouth while its watering profusely.
Do you truly know how easy it is just turn away. I bet you $100 that if you could turn around and avoid all those bad decisions, those CALORIES, those cellulite forming carbs, that would feel like your on TOP of the world!
It is easier then you think! TRULY!
I am NOT judging you.
I am NOT telling you that I don't do this.
My husband and I look forward to our drinks on the weekend.
To let loose and just relax with eachother.
Sit on the front porch, playing music, and just bullshitting with one another.
We have done that since we met.
Then we wake up the next day, hung over as all get up...
Then we wake up and say "oh this one donut would not be too bad".
Then it turns into "well lets go get some Mcdonals, because I don't feel like cooking".
Then it is "well a pizza sounds good, and TECHNICALLY I am 'allowed' to have like one piece".
Then AGAIN "well lets go get some ice cream since its 105 degrees and we will get back on track tomorrow or Monday"
I am SO done with these weekends!
A $30 night turns into a $100 weekend (or more).
The amount of money we could put away instead of doing this is unreal!
Have you ever sat down and calculated how much you spend on junk and fast food?
A LOT of people say that "eating healthy is so expensive"...
If you go out to eat a WHOLE weekend you could spend anywhere from $125-300+...
BUT if you go grocery shopping on that money (for my family of 3) I could buy 2 weeks worth of healthy foods. Veggies, fruits, milk, cereal, dinners, and so much more!
if you are working your butt off (literally) and you have had so much progress, why would you throw it all away for 1 super unhealthy meal?
You will NEVER get anywhere like that!
You will NOT reach your goals!
And once again you will just feel so crappy about yourself.
I PLEDGE to change this!
I promise to not eat this way.
Not to tell myself its ok.
I WILL have self control!